Sunday, January 28, 2007

What kind of jobs does everyone do...

I am going to be home the next few days....healing. Does anyone want to share with me their daily activities. There are so many people in the family and I have no idea what their daily activities consist of.

I will start. I am a fitness instructor. I study programs, learn programs, make lesson plans and teach. I teach eight whole hours a week.

I teach BTS programs which stand for Body Training Systems. Every three months there is a big "launch" at the gyms. Everything revolves around the "launch". You eat, sleep and breathe it. February 3rd the Old Bridge gym is "launching". That means that all BTS programs will be changed and will stay the same for three months until the next "launch".

I teach in the Hazlet facility, Old Bridge facility and I will start at Scotch Plains the second week of February.

My domestic skills stink, like Katie. I can do certain things. I just hate doing them. I would rather create an appropriate lesson plan for a pilate class than make a meal. I just have no interest in it anymore. This is a personal struggle for me.

Last year I worked with children, this year with adults. I have to say that there is an ease to working with adults. Teaching is about the topic, and not how well you can lay out a boundary and maintain it.

Last year I was able to teach with relative comfort...without so much study. I knew the topic like the back of my hand. This year I find that information gathering is high on my list. You can bluff your way through teaching children (to a degree). But adults are right there to pick up on your inconsistencies and report you to the director.

My job brings with it personal growth. And that I like. It is not just a matter of serving others, but a matter of personally gaining abilities and confidence that I may not have possessed just a few short months ago. The Bayshore gyms require their instructors to constantly train, constantly grow and constantly improve. And at my age and developmental stage, I am more than happy to sign on to a job like that.

I have spent my last two days in bed studying so that when my knee is ready to work...I can just plug right in. I am hoping to launch with a five minute track on Saturday in Old Bridge. It is a core track that requires the legs to do nothing more than lift and sissor. I can already do that, so I am hoping to just join in with what I can do.

I would love to hear what others do. What they like about it and what they don't like. I would like to know how their daily tasks fulfill them or how much they hate them.

Joe always knows that if a meal doesn't appear on the table...he has the option of eating my weekly lesson plans. That is about all I can offer. I am just so bad. (I need to go to Uganda and take a few lessons with Katie.)


Saturday, January 27, 2007

Tomato Soup Cake

Okay, we all got a big laugh today thinking of Ben. Today was Bill's birthday (and Uncle Mike's - Happy Birthday!) and Sarah and I made the Jeney Tomato Soup cake. This is basically a spice cake with a can of tomato soup added in. The recipe has been in the Jeney family for years. We laughed today remembering how Ben will never eat the cake if we say it is a "tomato soup cake." But if we tell him it is a "spice cake" he gobbles it up. I remember making the tomato soup cake once and Ben refused to eat it. I took the whole cake into the kitchen and came out with the same exact cake and said "Look, I had a spice cake in the kitchen." Then he ate it, and asked for seconds. That Uncle Ben always keeps us laughing. Gotta love him.

Friday, January 26, 2007

My surgery is over

Today I had my knee surgery. I have felt worse today than I did with my first surgery. The knee was a bit more painful, and I have been experiencing nausea all day. I am finally up and about as the nausea has decreased.

Usually the day after is the most uncomfortable and I am expecting to have a slow and restful time of it tomorrow.

The doctor was expecting the damage in my knees to be very similar, but to his surprise, he said my knees were totally opposite. One knee having damage to the hard cartilage and this knee having "significant" damage to the soft cartilage.

However, he expects the recovery to be about the same. A few weeks.

I am hoping to be back teaching Pilates in 10 days.

The Glass Menagerie

For the people that read this...

Is it any good?

And for Noah or Jimmy, if any of you had Mr. Martin or Mr. Powers, any advice or tips? Cause their my toughest classes


Well I don't think many people can understand our humor. It seems as though uncle Ben has become the new grandma. He is very fun to pick on. However, few people can find it funny that we love picking on him. One of the ladies I work with just thinks he's so cute, and she is perpetually saying "Hi Elizabeth."(of course in the uncle Ben tone) It's pretty funny. So I did trim his mustache this week because it was getting long, and like usual he made sure at least 3 times that I wasn't shaving it off. Does anyone know why this is such a big fear for him? Just wondering. Love you all! Or should I say y'all!


well well well-
lets just say that my days are filled with laughter thanks to this blog.

one more reason why uncle ben would fit in in Uganda....
in conversation they hum allll the time! "How are you" "im fine" "hmm". The hum at the end signifies that they are done speaking and the exchange is over. wouldnt uncle ben do great here!! "mmmm Enock... jesus didnt die on a rabbit, he died on a crrrrross... mmmm"

and i agree with heather that the cross shouldnt be made into candy in the first place! and uncle tom- i am actually quite proud of EVERYONE in this family and dont mind my friends reading the comments... except the only problem is that they dont find the comments remotely comical. i guess you just need nesterwhack blood in you to find the humor. or maybe its just that you need to know uncle ben?

i love you all so so much and appreciate all your support and comments more than you can even realize. be well!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hey everyone!

Hey - I just checked my email from MaryKay a little while ago and figured that since everyone was sleeping I'd send a message saying HI!! to everyone!!! Hopefully this will be a good way for us to all keep in touch. MaryKay said something about Katie and blogs and Africa in her email. How is Katie doing?!!? Hope to talk to everyone soon!! :) :) <3

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Uncle Ben: King of Fun

I got home from work today to discover that Uncle Ben had come for a visit. I asked him what he was here for, and he said, " have fun."

Ever since that comment, he has been on the couch watching Full House, ignoring everything that doesn't live in the Tanner house.

By that definition of fun, Ben's life is non-stop fun :-)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Oreo likes her added time in the work room

All this extra time that I have been spending in my computer room has opened up extra time for Oreo to go hunting. She loves hunting the two rats that I keep in this room. It is a never ending process trying to keep Oreo from attacking the cage. And the rats seem to know that they are safe behind the bars. They taunt, Oreo lunges and barks. Such harmony. Makes me wonder how I can think.

Is anyone going to watch the State of the Union? Isn't that going to be on tonight?

Get Into the Spirit of Presidents' Day

Thing have really gotten crazy here. Everyone was talking about American Idol so Ben started singing songs to get into the spirit of President's Day. The poor dogs are scratching at the door to get out. Matt is begging for Motrin. There is not enough cotton balls to shove into my ears. I don't care how cold it is I am going to hang out with the dogs.

Chocolate Bunnies or Crosses?

Here is the age is age old question. Should we be eating chocolate bunnies or crosses? Do chocolate crosses possess some sort of healing powers like a our wise 1980's mustache wearing Ben wishes you to believe or are you of the same belief as the beautiful little Heather who strongly believes that the cross was an instrument of torture and should not be made into candy?

What do you think?

If you want to join the Blog

Send your email address to me at and I will add you to the blog so you can post.

May I be the first

Here is a blog for the Nesterwitz Family. Anyone who is a Nesterwitz, used to be a Nesterwitz, is somehow, however distantly related to a Nesterwitz can post here. This blog became a necessity because we all discovered how much fun we had talking to each other and picking on each other (and because Katie kicked us off of her Uganda blog - how mean!).