Friday, March 2, 2007

Stuck in the '80s

Poor Uncle Ben can't live in this millenium.

This morning we got on the subject of drugs and choices spawned from the expression "curiousity killed the cat." Ben came up from behind and said, "If someone offers you drugs, just say no" just like Nancy Reagan used to say.

So not only are his hairstyle, moustache, sideburns, and favorite TV shows stuck in the 80s, his anti-drug messages are too.


Noah said...

The funny thing is that his favorite decade is the '70s. You'd think he'd be reliving that decade instead of the '80s.

Aunt Mary Kay said...

I just ask Ben when his favorite decade was and he said the 70s. I asked him when he started eating chocolate crosses and he said "the 80s is my favorite decade." That must be why he chooses to be stuck in time - because it's when his chocolate cross revelation came to be.